Application Guide

128 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
CFFreq is a list in which each element
specifies the frequency of occurrence for a
grouped (consecutive) cash flow amount,
which is the corresponding element of
CFList. The default is 1; if you enter
values, they must be positive integers <
Catalog >
nSolve(Equation,Var[=Guess]) number
or error_string
number or error_string
[=Guess],lowBound,upBound) number
or error_string
nSolve(Equation,Var[=Guess]) |
lowBoundVarupBound number or
Iteratively searches for one approximate
real numeric solution to Equation for its
one variable. Specify the variable as:
variable = real number
For example, x is valid and so is x=3.
Note: If there are multiple solutions, you can
use a guess to help find a particular solution.
nSolve() is often much faster than solve() or
zeros(), particularly if the “| operator is
used to constrain the search to a small
interval containing exactly one simple
nSolve() attempts to determine either one
point where the residual is zero or two
relatively close points where the residual
has opposite signs and the magnitude of
the residual is not excessive. If it cannot
achieve this using a modest number of
sample points, it returns the string “no
solution found.”