Application Guide

Catalog >
computations are done using floating-
point arithmetic.
If Tol is omitted or not used, the default
tolerance is calculated as:
5E14 max(dim(Matrix)) rowNorm
The QR factorization is computed
numerically using Householder
transformations. The symbolic solution is
computed using Gram-Schmidt. The
columns in qMatName are the orthonormal
basis vectors that span the space defined by
Catalog >
QuadReg X,Y[, Freq][, Category, Include]]
Computes the quadratic polynomial
regression y=ax
+bx+c on lists X and Y
with frequency Freq. A summary of results
is stored in the stat.results variable. (See
page 177.)
All the lists must have equal dimension
except for Include.
X and Y are lists of independent and
dependent variables.
Freq is an optional list of frequency values.
Each element in Freq specifies the
frequency of occurrence for each
corresponding X and Y data point. The
default value is 1. All elements must be
integers 0.
Category is a list of category codes for the
corresponding X and Y data.
Alphabetical Listing 141