Application Guide

Catalog >
Generates a list of terms for a sequence u
(n)=Expr(u, n) as follows: Increments n
from 1 through nMax by 1, evaluates u(n)
for corresponding values of n using the
Expr(u, n) formula and ListOfInitTerms,
and returns the results as a list.
seqn(Expr(n[, nMax[, CeilingValue]])
Generates a list of terms for a non-
recursive sequence u(n)=Expr(n) as
follows: Increments n from 1 through nMax
by 1, evaluates u(n) for corresponding
values of n using the Expr(n) formula, and
returns the results as a list.
If nMax is missing, nMax is set to 2500
If nMax=0, nMax is set to 2500
Note: seqn() calls seqGen() with n0=1 and
nstep =1
Catalog >
series(Expr1, Var, Order[, Point])
series(Expr1, Var, Order[, Point]) |
Var>Point expression
series(Expr1, Var, Order[, Point]) |
Var<Point expression
Returns a generalized truncated power
series representation of Expr1 expanded
about Point through degree Order. Order
can be any rational number. The resulting
powers of (Var Point) can include
negative and/or fractional exponents. The
coefficients of these powers can include
logarithms of (Var Point) and other
functions of Var that are dominated by all
powers of (Var Point) having the same
exponent sign.
Alphabetical Listing 161