Application Guide

Catalog >
settingInteger) temporarily sets mode
modeNameInteger to the new setting
settingInteger, and returns an integer
corresponding to the original setting of that
mode. The change is limited to the duration
of the program/function’s execution.
modeNameInteger specifies which mode
you want to set. It must be one of the mode
integers from the table below.
settingInteger specifies the new setting for
the mode. It must be one of the setting
integers listed below for the specific mode
you are setting.
setMode(list) lets you change multiple
settings. list contains pairs of mode
integers and setting integers. setMode(list)
returns a similar list whose integer pairs
represent the original modes and settings.
If you have saved all mode settings with
getMode(0)var, you can use setMode
(var) to restore those settings until the
function or program exits. See getMode(),
page 84.
Note: The current mode settings are passed
to called subroutines. If any subroutine
changes a mode setting, the mode change
will be lost when control returns to the
calling routine.
Note for entering the example: For
instructions on entering multi-line program
and function definitions, refer to the
Calculator section of your product
Integer Setting Integers
1=Float, 2=Float1, 3=Float2, 4=Float3, 5=Float4, 6=Float5,
7=Float6, 8=Float7, 9=Float8, 10=Float9, 11=Float10,
12=Float11, 13=Float12, 14=Fix0, 15=Fix1, 16=Fix2,
17=Fix3, 18=Fix4, 19=Fix5, 20=Fix6, 21=Fix7, 22=Fix8,
23=Fix9, 24=Fix10, 25=Fix11, 26=Fix12
Alphabetical Listing 163