Application Guide

166 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
simult(coeffMatrix, constVector[, Tol])
Returns a column vector that contains the
solutions to a system of linear equations.
Note: See also linSolve(), page 103.
coeffMatrix must be a square matrix that
contains the coefficients of the equations.
constVector must have the same number
of rows (same dimension) as coeffMatrix
and contain the constants.
Optionally, any matrix element is treated as
zero if its absolute value is less than Tol.
This tolerance is used only if the matrix has
floating-point entries and does not contain
any symbolic variables that have not been
assigned a value. Otherwise, Tol is ignored.
If you set the Auto or Approximate mode
to Approximate, computations are done
using floating-point arithmetic.
If Tol is omitted or not used, the default
tolerance is calculated as:
5E14 max(dim(coeffMatrix))
Solve for x and y:
x + 2y = 1
3x + 4y = 1
The solution is x=3 and y=2.
ax + by = 1
cx + dy = 2
simult(coeffMatrix, constMatrix[, Tol])
Solves multiple systems of linear equations,
where each system has the same equation
coefficients but different constants.
Each column in constMatrix must contain
the constants for a system of equations.
Each column in the resulting matrix
contains the solution for the corresponding
x + 2y = 1
3x + 4y = 1
x + 2y = 2
3x + 4y = 3
For the first system, x=3 and y=2. For the
secondsystem, x=7 and y=9/2.
Catalog >
Note: You can insert this operator from the
computer keyboard by typing @>sin.