Application Guide

Catalog >
Note:Matrix1must have at least two rows.
Empty (void) elements are ignored. For
more information on empty elements, see
page 236.
Catalog >
stDevSamp(List[, freqList]) expression
Returns the sample standard deviation of
the elements in List.
Each freqList element counts the number
of consecutive occurrences of the
corresponding element in List.
Note:List must have at least two elements.
Empty (void) elements are ignored. For
more information on empty elements, see
page 236.
stDevSamp(Matrix1[, freqMatrix])
Returns a row vector of the sample
standard deviations of the columns in
Each freqMatrix element counts the
number of consecutive occurrences of the
corresponding element in Matrix1.
Note:Matrix1must have at least two rows.
Empty (void) elements are ignored. For
more information on empty elements, see
page 236.
Catalog >
Programming command: Terminates the
Stop is not allowed in functions.
Alphabetical Listing 179