Application Guide

180 Alphabetical Listing
Catalog >
Note for entering the example: For
instructions on entering multi-line program
and function definitions, refer to the
Calculator section of your product
See (store), page 233.
Catalog >
string(Expr) string
Simplifies Expr and returns the result as a
character string.
Catalog >
subMat(Matrix1[, startRow][, startCol][,
endRow][, endCol]) matrix
Returns the specified submatrix of Matrix1.
Defaults: startRow=1, startCol=1,
endRow=last row, endCol=last column.
Sum (Sigma)
See Σ(), page 224.
Catalog >
sum(List[, Start[, End]]) expression
Returns the sum of all elements in List.
Start and End are optional. They specify a
range of elements.
Any void argument produces a void result.
Empty (void) elements in List are ignored.
For more information on empty elements,
see page 236.