Application Guide

218 Symbols
< (less than)
/= keys
Anything else returns a simplified form of
the equation.
For lists and matrices, returns comparisons
element by element.
(less or equal)
/= keys
Expr1Expr2 Boolean expression
List1List2 Boolean list
Matrix1 Matrix2 Boolean matrix
Returns true if Expr1 is determined to be
less than or equal to Expr2.
Returns false if Expr1 is determined to be
greater than Expr2.
Anything else returns a simplified form of
the equation.
For lists and matrices, returns comparisons
element by element.
Note: You can insert this operator from the
keyboard by typing <=
See =” (equal) example.
> (greater than)
/= keys
Expr1>Expr2 Boolean expression
List1>List2 Boolean list
Matrix1>Matrix2 Boolean matrix
Returns true if Expr1 is determined to be
greater than Expr2.
Returns false if Expr1 is determined to be
less than or equal to Expr2.
Anything else returns a simplified form of
the equation.
For lists and matrices, returns comparisons
element by element.
See =” (equal) example.