Application Guide

°, ', '' (degree/minute/second)
/k keys
dd A positive or negative number
mm A non-negative number A non-negative number
Returns dd+(mm/60)+(
This base-60 entry format lets you:
Enter an angle in
degrees/minutes/seconds without regard
to the current angle mode.
Enter time as hours/minutes/seconds.
Note: Follow with two apostrophes
(''), not a quote symbol (").
/k keys
[Radius, θ_Angle] vector
(polar input)
[Radius, θ_Angle,Z_Coordinate]
(cylindrical input)
[Radius, θ_Angle, θ_Angle] vector
(spherical input)
Returns coordinates as a vector depending
on the Vector Format mode setting:
rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical.
Note: You can insert this symbol from the
computer keyboard by typing@<.
In Radian mode and vector format setto:
(Magnitude Angle) complexValue
(polar input)
Enters a complex value in (r θ) polar
form. The Angle is interpreted according to
the current Angle mode setting.
In Radian angle mode andRectangular
complex format:
Note: To force an approximate result,
Handheld: Press / ·.
Windows®: Press Ctrl+Enter.
Macintosh®: Press +Enter.
iPad®: Hold enter, andselect .
Symbols 229