Application Guide

232 Symbols
^¹ (reciprocal)
Catalog >
Expr1 ^¹ expression
List1 ^¹ list
Returns the reciprocal of the argument.
For a list, returns the reciprocals of the
elements in List1.
squareMatrix1 ^¹ squareMatrix
Returns the inverse of squareMatrix1.
squareMatrix1 must be a non-singular
square matrix.
| (constraint operator)
/k keys
Expr | BooleanExpr1[and
Expr | BooleanExpr1[orBooleanExpr2]...
The constraint (“|”) symbol serves as a
binary operator. The operand to the left of |
is an expression. The operand to the right of
| specifies one or more relations that are
intended to affect the simplification of the
expression. Multiple relations after | must
be joined by logical and or or operators.
The constraint operator provides three basic
types of functionality:
Interval constraints
Substitutions are in the form of an equality,
such as x=3 or y=sin(x). To be most
effective, the left side should be a simple
variable. Expr | Variable = value will
substitute value for every occurrence of
Variable in Expr.