Application Guide

345 Inconsistent units
350 Index out of range
360 Indirection string is not a valid variable name
380 Undefined Ans
Either the previous calculation didnot create Ans, or no previous calculation was entered.
390 Invalidassignment
400 Invalidassignment value
410 Invalidcommand
430 Invalidfor the current mode settings
435 Invalidguess
440 Invalidimplied multiply
For example, x(x+1) is invalid; whereas, x*(x+1) is the correct syntax. This is to avoid
confusion betweenimplied multiplication and function calls.
450 Invalidin a function or current expression
Only certain commands are valid in a user-defined function.
490 Invalidin Try..EndTry block
510 Invalidlist or matrix
550 Invalidoutside function or program
A number of commands are not valid outside a function or program. For example, Local
cannot be used unless it is ina function or program.
560 Invalidoutside Loop..EndLoop, For..EndFor, or While..EndWhile blocks
For example, the Exit command is valid only inside these loop blocks.
565 Invalidoutside program
570 Invalidpathname
For example, \var is invalid.
575 Invalidpolar complex
580 Invalidprogram reference
Programs cannot be referenced withinfunctions or expressions such as 1+p(x) where p is a
Error Codes and Messages 245