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3. Press ¢ to return the cursor to the baseline, and then complete the
expression by typing:
r 43 p 12
4. Press · to evaluate the expression.
The expression is displayed in standard mathematical notation, and the
result is displayed on the right side of the page.
Note: You can force a decimal approximation in a result by pressing
/ · instead of ·.
Pressing / · forces the approximate result.
Note: Results formatting can also be adjusted in settings. For more information
about customizing settings, see
Configuring Handhelds
Inserting Items from the Catalog
You can use the Catalog to insert functions and commands, symbols, and
expression templates into the entry line.
1. Press k to open the Catalog. By default, the first tab is displayed, which
lists all commands and functions in alphabetical order.
Using the Scratchpad 25