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34 Using the Scratchpad
2. Select the axes and press / b 2 to activate the Attributes tool.
a) Press £or¤ to move to the attribute to change. For example, choose
the end style attribute.
b) Press ¡or¢ to choose the style to apply.
c) Change any other attributes of the axes as required for your work, and
then press · to exit the attributes tool.
3. Adjust the axes scale and tic mark spacing manually.
a) Click and hold one tick mark, and move it on the axis. The spacing
and number of tic marks increases (or decreases) on both axes.
b) To adjust the scale and tic mark spacing on a single axis, press and
hold g, and then grab and drag a tic mark on that axis.
4. Change axis end values by double-clicking them and typing new values.
5. Adjust the location of the axes. To move the existing axes without resizing
or rescaling them, click in and drag an empty region of the screen until the
axes are in the desired location.
6. Change the axes’ scales by pressing b > Window/Zoom > Window
Settings (b 4 1).
Type the values of your choice over the current values for x-min, x-max, y-
min, y-max, Xscale, and Yscale and click OK.
7. Press b > View > Hide Axes (b 2 1) to hide or show the axes.
If the axes are shown on the page, selecting this tool hides them.
If the axes are hidden on the page, selecting this tool redisplays them.
Tracing a Plot
Graph Trace moves through the points of a graphed function, parametric, polar,
sequence, or scatter plot. To enable the trace tool:
1. Press b > Trace > Graph Trace (b 5 1) to move across the plot in
Trace mode.