Other Content

3. Press xor · to select Yes.
The document is deleted.
Duplicating Documents and Folders
Use Copy / C and Paste / V to duplicate documents and folders.
To copy a document to another folder, select the desired folder, and then paste.
Recovering Deleted Documents
Most operations performed in My Documents can be undone. Press / Z
(Undo) to cancel the last operation until the deleted document is restored.
Closing a Document
1. To close a document, press ~ 1 3.
Press / W.
If you have changed the document, you will be asked whether you want to
save those changes.
2. Click Yes to save the document or click No to abandon the changes.
Understanding the TI-Nspire™ Tools
This section provides an overview of the tools used when working with
TI-Nspire documents on a handheld, including variables, catalog, symbols,
and math templates.
Working with Documents on TI-Nspire Handhelds 59