Musical Instrument Amplifier User Manual

Table Of Contents
5.13 SERDES Receive Channel Configuration Registers n (SERDES_CFGRX n_CNTL)
SRIO Registers
There are four of these registers, to support four ports.
Figure 69. SERDES Receive Channel Configuration Registers n (SERDES_CFGRX n_CNTL)
31 26 25 24 23 22 19 18 16
Reserved Reserv Reserv Reserv EQ CDR
ed ed ed
R-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R-0 R/W-0 R/W-0
15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 0
ed IR ed
R/W-0 R/W-0 R-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0
LEGEND: R = Read, W = Write, n = value at reset
Table 40. SERDES Receive Channel Configuration Registers n (SERDES_CFGRX n_CNTL) Field
Bit Field Value Description
31:26 Reserved Reserved.
25 Reserved Reserved, keep as zero during writes to this register.
24 Reserved Reserved, keep as zero during writes to this register.
23 Reserved Reserved.
19:22 EQ Equalizer. Enables and configures the adaptive equalizer to compensate for loss in the
transmission media. For values, see Table 41 .
18:16 CDR Clock/data recovery. Configures the clock/data recovery algorithm.
000 First order. Phase offset tracking up to ± 488 ppm.
001 Second order. Highest precision frequency offset matching but poorest response to changes in
frequency offset, and longest lock time. Suitable for use in systems with fixed frequency offset.
010 Second order. Medium precision frequency offset matching, frequency offset change response
and lock time.
011 Second order. Best response to changes in frequency offset and fastest lock time, but lowest
precision frequency offset matching. Suitable for use in systems with spread spectrum clocking.
100 First order with fast lock. Phase offset tracking up to ± 1953 ppm in the presence of ..10101010..
training pattern, and ± 448 ppm otherwise.
101 Second order with fast lock. As per setting 001, but with improved response to changes in
frequency offset when not close to lock.
110 Second order with fast lock. As per setting 010, but with improved response to changes in
frequency offset when not close to lock.
111 Second order with fast lock. As per setting 011, but with improved response to changes in
frequency offset when not close to lock.
15:14 LOS Loss of signal. Enables loss of signal detection with 2 selectable thresholds.
00 Disabled. Loss of signal detection disabled.
01 High threshold. Loss of signal detection threshold in the range 85 to 195mV
. This setting is
suitable for Infiniband.
10 Low threshold. Loss of signal detection threshold in the range 65-175mV
. This setting is
suitable for PCI-E and S-ATA.
11 Reserved
13:12 ALIGN Symbol alignment. Enables internal or external symbol alignment.
00 Alignment disabled. No symbol alignment will be performed while this setting is selected, or when
switching to this selection from another.
01 Comma alignment enabled. Symbol alignment will be performed whenever a misaligned comma
symbol is received.
10 Alignment jog. The symbol alignment will be adjusted by one bit position when this mode is
selected (i.e., CFGRX[13:12] changes from 0x to 1x).
11 Reserved
112 Serial RapidIO (SRIO) SPRU976 March 2006
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