Musical Instrument Amplifier User Manual

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SRIO Registers
Table 138. Port Control Independent Register n (SP n_CTL_INDEP) Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit Field Value Description
17 MAX_RETRY_EN Max_retry_error report enable. If enabled, the Port-Write and interrupt are reported as errors.
1b Max retry error report enable
0b Max retry error report disable
16 MAX_RETRY_ER Max_retry_error bit is set when max_retry_cnt is equal to max_retry_threshold. The Port-Write
R request and interrupt are generated if enabled. This bit is ignored if max_retry threshold is 00. Once
set, it remains set until written with logic 1 to clear. This bit also is cleared by writing all 0s to the
register SP0_ERR_DET. This error also reported in register SP0_ERR_DET.
15-8 MAX_RETRY_TH Maximum Retry Threshold Trigger. These bits provide the threshold value for reporting an error
R condition due to possibly broken partner behavior.
00 Disable the max_retry_error reporting
01 Set the max_retry_threshold to 1
02 Set the max_retry_threshold to 2
FF Set the max_retry_threshold to 255
7 IRQ_EN Interrupt error report Enable. If enabled, the interrupt signal is High when the IRQ_ERR is set to 1.
1b Interrupt error report enable
0b Interrupt error report disable
6 IRQ_ERR The Interrupt Error Status bit. It is set to one if an error occurs and there is a Port-Write condition.
Once set, remains set until written with logic 1 to clear.
5-0 Reserved Reserved
Serial RapidIO (SRIO)214 SPRU976 March 2006
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