Musical Instrument Amplifier User Manual

Table Of Contents
SRIO Functional Description
Table 8. Bits of SERDES_CFGRX n_CNTL Registers (continued)
Bit Field Value Description
15:14 LOS Loss of signal. Enables loss of signal detection with 2 selectable thresholds.
00 Disabled. Loss of signal detection disabled.
01 High threshold. Loss of signal detection threshold in the range 85 to 195mV
. This setting is
suitable for Infiniband.
10 Low threshold. Loss of signal detection threshold in the range 65-175mV
. This setting is
suitable for PCI-E and S-ATA.
11 Reserved
13:12 ALIGN Symbol alignment. Enables internal or external symbol alignment.
00 Alignment disabled. No symbol alignment will be performed while this setting is selected, or
when switching to this selection from another.
01 Comma alignment enabled. Symbol alignment will be performed whenever a misaligned comma
symbol is received.
10 Alignment jog. The symbol alignment will be adjusted by one bit position when this mode is
selected (i.e., CFGRX[13:12] changes from 0x to 1x).
11 Reserved
11 Reserved Reserved.
10:8 TERM Termination. Selects input termination options suitable for a variety of AC or DC coupled
000 Common point connected to VDDT. This configuration is for DC coupled systems using CML
transmitters. The common mode voltage is determined jointly by both the receiver and the
transmitter. Common mode termination is via a 50 pF capacitor to VSSA.
001 Common point set to 0.8 VDDT. This configuration is for AC coupled systems using CML
transmitters. The transmitter has no effect on the receiver common mode, which is set to
optimize the input sensitivity of the receiver. Common mode termination is via a 50 pF capacitor
to VSSA.
010 Reserved
011 Common point floating. This configuration is for DC coupled systems that require the common
mode voltage to be determined by the transmitter only. These are typically not CML. Common
mode termination is via a 50 pF capacitor to VSSA.
1xx Reserved
7 INVPAIR Invert polarity. Inverts polarity of RXP n and RXN n.
0 Normal polarity. RXP n considered to be positive data and RXN n negative.
1 Inverted polarity. RXP n considered to be negative data and RXN n positive.
6:5 RATE Operating rate. Selects full, half or quarter rate operation.
00 Full rate. Two data samples taken per PLL output clock cycle.
01 Half rate. One data sample taken per PLL output clock cycle.
10 Quarter rate. One data sample taken every two PLL output clock cycles.
11 Reserved
4:2 BUS- Bus width. Selects the width of the parallel interface (10 or 8 bit).
000 10-bit operation. Data is output on RD n[9:0]. RXBCLK[ n] period is 10 bit periods (4 high, 6 low).
001 8-bit operation. Data is output on RD n[7:0]. RXBCLK[ n] period is 8 bit periods (4 high, 4 low).
RD n[9:8] will replicate bits [1:0] from the previous byte.
01x Reserved
1xx Reserved
1 Reserved Reserved, keep as zero during writes to this register.
0 ENRX Enable receiver. Enables this receiver when high.
0 Disable
1 Enable
SPRU976 March 2006 Serial RapidIO (SRIO) 29
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