Incor User's Guide Ethernet Media Access Controller TMS320C645x DSP
3 EMAC Control Module Registers
3.1 Introduction
3.2 EMAC Control Module Interrupt Control Register (EWCTL)
EMAC Control Module Registers
Table 11 lists the memory-mapped registers for the EMAC Control Module. See the device-specific data
manual for the memory address of these registers.
Table 11. EMAC Control Module Registers
Offset Acronym Register Description Section
4h EWCTL EMAC Control Module Interrupt Control Register Section 3.2
8h EWINTTCNT EMAC Control Module Interrupt Timer Count Register Section 3.3
The EMAC control module interrupt control register (EWCTL) is used to enable and disable the central
interrupt from the EMAC and MDIO modules.
It is expected that any time the EMAC and MDIO interrupt is being serviced, the software disables the
INTEN bit in EWCTL. This ensures that the interrupt line goes back to zero. The software reenables the
INTEN bit after clearing all the pending interrupts and before leaving the interrupt service routine. At this
point, if the EMAC control module monitors any interrupts still pending, it reasserts the interrupt line, and
generates a new edge that the DSP can recognize.
The EMAC control module interrupt control register (EWCTL) is shown in Figure 14 and described in
Table 12 .
Figure 14. EMAC Control Module Interrupt Control Register (EWCTL)
31 16
15 1 0
Reserved INTEN
R-0 R/W-0
LEGEND: R = Read only; R/W = Read/Write; - n = value after reset
Table 12. EMAC Control Module Interrupt Control Register (EWCTL) Field Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
31-1 Reserved 0 Reserved
0 INTEN Controls the EMAC_MDIO_INT interrupt generation to the CPU. Any time the INTEN bit in the
EWCTL register is 0, the EMAC_MDIO_INT signal to the CPU is kept de-asserted. If the INTEN bit
in the EWCTL register is 1, then the interrupt control logic checks all the interrupt lines from EMAC
and MDIO. If any of these interrupt lines are active, the EMAC_MDIO_INT signal is asserted.
Assertion of this signal generates an edge, which can then be recognized as a valid interrupt by the
CPU. The INTEN bit takes care of two problems associated with level interrupts from the EMAC
and the MDIO modules. One, it makes sure that none of interrupts are missed, and second, it
makes sure that only the required number of interrupts are sent to the CPU.
0 EMAC and MDIO interrupts are disabled
1 EMAC and MDIO interrupts are enabled
Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC)/Management Data Input/Output (MDIO)64 SPRU975B August 2006
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