User Guide
5.29 MAC Status Register (MACSTATUS)
Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) Registers
The MAC status register (MACSTATUS) is shown in Figure 55 and described in Table 54 .
Figure 55. MAC Status Register (MACSTATUS)
31 30 24 23 20 19 18 16
R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0
15 12 11 10 8
R-0 R-0 R-0
7 3 2 1 0
R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0
LEGEND: R = Read only; - n = value after reset
Table 54. MAC Status Register (MACSTATUS) Field Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
31 IDLE EMAC idle bit. This bit is cleared to 0 at reset; one clock after reset, it goes to 1.
0 The EMAC is not idle.
1 The EMAC is in the idle state.
30-24 Reserved 0 Reserved
23-20 TXERRCODE 0-Fh Transmit host error code. These bits indicate that EMAC detected transmit DMA related host errors.
The host should read this field after a host error interrupt (HOSTPEND) to determine the error. Host
error interrupts require hardware reset in order to recover. A 0 packet length is an error, but it is not
0 No error
1h SOP error; the buffer is the first buffer in a packet, but the SOP bit is not set in software.
2h Ownership bit not set in SOP buffer
3h Zero next buffer descriptor pointer without EOP
4h Zero buffer pointer
5h Zero buffer length
6h Packet length error (sum of buffers is less than packet length)
19 Reserved 0 Reserved
18-16 TXERRCH 0-7h Transmit host error channel. These bits indicate which transmit channel the host error occurred on.
This field is cleared to 0 on a host read.
0 The host error occurred on transmit channel 0
1h The host error occurred on transmit channel 1
2h The host error occurred on transmit channel 2
3h The host error occurred on transmit channel 3
4h The host error occurred on transmit channel 4
5h The host error occurred on transmit channel 5
6h The host error occurred on transmit channel 6
7h The host error occurred on transmit channel 7
15-12 RXERRCODE 0-Fh Receive host error code. These bits indicate that EMAC detected receive DMA related host errors.
The host should read this field after a host error interrupt (HOSTPEND) to determine the error. Host
error interrupts require hardware reset in order to recover.
0 No error
2h Ownership bit not set in SOP buffer
4h Zero buffer pointer
11 Reserved 0 Reserved
96 Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC)/ SPRU941A April 2007
Management Data Input/Output (MDIO)
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