Video Port/VCXO Interpolated Control (VIC) Port User's Guide
4.3.4 Y/C FIFO Unpacking
Y 2 Y 4 Y 6Y 1 Y 3 Y 5 Y 7
63 5655 4847 4039 32
Y 21 Y 20Y 23 Y 22
Y 29 Y 28Y 31 Y 30
Y 5 Y 4Y 7 Y 6
Y 13 Y 12Y 15 Y 14
Cb 5 Cb 4Cb 7 Cb 6
Cb 13 Cb 12Cb 15 Cb 14
Little-Endian Unpacking
Y 8 Y 10Y 9 Y 11
Cb 0 Cb 1 Cb 2 Cb 3Cr 0 Cr 1 Cr 2 Cr 3
Cb 4 Cb 5Cr 4 Cr 5
Y 0
31 2423 1615 8 7 0
Y 17 Y 16Y 19 Y 18
Y 25 Y 24Y 27 Y 26
Y 1 Y 0Y 3 Y 2
Y 9 Y 8Y 11 Y 10
31 2423 1615 8 7 0
Cb 1 Cb 0Cb 3 Cb 2
Cb 9 Cb 8Cb 11 Cb 10
31 2423 1615 8 7 0
63 5655 4847 4039 32
63 5655 4847 4039 32
Cr 5 Cr 4Cr 7 Cr 6
Cr 13 Cr 12Cr 15 Cr 14
Cr 1 Cr 0Cr 3 Cr 2
Cr 9 Cr 8Cr 11 Cr 10
4.4 Video Output Filtering
4.4.1 Output Filter Modes
Video Output Filtering
Display data is always packed into the FIFOs in 64-bit words and must be unpacked before being sent to
the display data pipeline. By default, data is unpacked from right to left.
The 8-bit Y/C mode uses three FIFOs for color separation. Samples are unpacked as shown in
Figure 4-14 .
Figure 4-14. 8-Bit Y/C FIFO Unpacking
The video output filter performs simple hardware scaling and re-sampling on outgoing 8-bit BT.656 or 8-bit
Y/C data. Filtering hardware is disabled during raw data display modes.
The output filter has four modes of operation: no-filtering, 2x scaling, chrominance re-sampling, and 2x
scaling with chrominance re-sampling. Filter operation is determined by the DMODE, SCALE, and
RESMPL bits of the VDCTL.
Table 4-3 shows the output filter mode selection. When 8-bit BT.656 or Y/C display operation is selected,
(DMODE = x00), scaling is selected by setting the SCALE bit and chrominance re-sampling is selected by
setting the RESMPL bit. If 8-bit BT.656 or Y/C display is not selected (DMODE x00), filtering is disabled.
Table 4-3. Output Filter Mode Selection
x00 0 0 No filtering
x00 0 1 2x scaling
x00 1 0 Chrominance re-sampling (full scale)
x00 1 1 2x scaling with chrominance re-sampling
x01 x x No filtering
x10 x x No filtering
x11 x x No filtering
SPRUEM1 May 2007 Video Display Port 103
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