Video Port/VCXO Interpolated Control (VIC) Port User's Guide
Video Port Control Registers
Table 2-6. Video Port Interrupt Status Register (VPIS) Field Descriptions (continued)
Bit field
Value Description
23 LFDB OF( value) Long field detected on channel B interrupt detected bit. (A long field is only detected
when the VRST bit in VCBCTL is cleared to 0; when VRST = 1, a long field is always
BT.656 or Y/C capture mode - LFDB is set when long field detection is enabled and
VCOUNT is not reset before VCOUNT = YSTOP + 1.
Raw data mode, or TCI capture mode or display mode - Not used.
DEFAULT 0 No interrupt is detected.
CLEAR 1 Interrupt is detected. Bit is cleared.
22 SFDB OF( value) Short field detected on channel B interrupt detected bit.
BT.656 or Y/C capture mode - SFDB is set when short field detection is enabled and
VCOUNT is reset before VCOUNT = YSTOP.
Raw data mode, or TCI capture mode or display mode - Not used.
DEFAULT 0 No interrupt is detected.
CLEAR 1 Interrupt is detected. Bit is cleared.
21 VINTB2 OF( value) Channel B field 2 vertical interrupt detected bit.
BT.656 or Y/C capture mode - VINTB2 is set when a vertical interrupt occurred in field
Raw data mode or TCI capture mode - Not used.
DEFAULT 0 No interrupt is detected.
CLEAR 1 Interrupt is detected. Bit is cleared.
20 VINTB1 OF( value) Channel B field 1 vertical interrupt detected bit.
BT.656 or Y/C capture mode - VINTB1 is set when a vertical interrupt occurred in field
Raw data mode or TCI capture mode - Not used.
DEFAULT 0 No interrupt is detected.
CLEAR 1 Interrupt is detected. Bit is cleared.
19 SERRB OF( value) Channel B synchronization error interrupt detected bit.
BT.656 or Y/C capture mode - Synchronization parity error on channel B. An SERRB
typically requires resetting the channel (RSTCH) or the port (VPRST).
Raw data mode or TCI capture mode - Not used.
DEFAULT 0 No interrupt is detected.
CLEAR 1 Interrupt is detected. Bit is cleared.
18 CCMPB OF( value) Capture complete on channel B interrupt detected bit. (Data is not in memory until the
EDMA transfer is complete.)
BT.656 or Y/C capture mode - CCMPB is set after capturing an entire field or frame
(when F1C, F2C, or FRMC in VCBSTAT are set) depending on the CON, FRAME,
CF1, and CF2 control bits in VCBCTL.
Raw data mode - RDFE is not set, CCMPB is set when FRMC in VCBSTAT is set
(when the data counter = the combined VCYSTOP/VCXSTOP value).
TCI capture mode - CCMPB is set when FRMC in VCBSTAT is set (when the data
counter = the combined VCYSTOP/VCXSTOP value).
DEFAULT 0 No interrupt is detected.
CLEAR 1 Interrupt is detected. Bit is cleared.
SPRUEM1 May 2007 Video Port 41
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