Video Port/VCXO Interpolated Control (VIC) Port User's Guide
3.13.18 TCI System Time Clock Compare Mask LSB Register (TCISTMSKL)
3.13.19 TCI System Time Clock Compare Mask MSB Register (TCISTMSKM)
Video Capture Registers
Table 3-30. TCI System Time Clock Compare MSB Register (TCISTCMPM) Field Descriptions
Bit field symval
Value BT.656, Y/C Mode, or Raw Data Mode TCI Mode
31-1 Reserved - 0 Reserved. The reserved bit location is always read as 0. A value written to this field
has no effect.
0 ATC OF( value) 0-1 Not used. Contains the MSB of the absolute time
For CSL implementation, use the notation VP_TCISTCMPM_ATC_ symval
The transport stream interface system time clock compare mask LSB register (TCISTMSKL) holds the 32
least-significant bits (LSBs) of the absolute time compare mask (ATCM). This value is used with
TCISTMSKM to mask out bits during the comparison of the ATC to the system time clock for absolute
time. The bits that are set to one mask the corresponding ATC bits during the compare.
To prevent inaccurate comparisons caused by changing register bits, the software should disable the
system time clock interrupt (clear the STEN bit in TCICTL) prior to writing to TCISTMSKL.
The TCI system time clock compare mask LSB register (TCISTMSKL) is shown in Figure 3-38 and
described in Table 3-31 .
Figure 3-38. TCI System Time Clock Compare Mask LSB Register (TCISTMSKL)
31 0
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; - n = value after reset
Table 3-31. TCI System Time Clock Compare Mask LSB Register (TCISTMSKL) Field Descriptions
Bit field symval
Value BT.656, Y/C Mode, or Raw Data Mode TCI Mode
31-0 ATCM OF( value) 0-FFFF FFFFh Not used. Contains the 32 LSBs of the absolute
time compare mask.
For CSL implementation, use the notation VP_TCISTMSKL_ATCM_ symval
The transport stream interface system time clock compare mask MSB register (TCISTMSKM) holds the
most-significant bit (MSB) of the absolute time compare mask (ATCM). This value is used with
TCISTMSKL to mask out bits during the comparison of the ATC to the system time clock for absolute
time. The bits that are set to one mask the corresponding ATC bits during the compare. .
To prevent inaccurate comparisons caused by changing register bits, the software should disable the
system time clock interrupt (clear the STEN bit in TCICTL) prior to writing to TCISTMSKM.
The TCI system time clock compare mask MSB register (TCISTMSKM) is shown in Figure 3-39 and
described in Table 3-32
SPRUEM1 May 2007 Video Capture Port 89
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