Car Stereo System User Manual
The interrupt flag register (IFR1) and interrupt enable register 1 (IER1) bit layouts are shown in
Figure 1-26 and described in Table 1-34.
Figure 1-26. IFR1 and IER1 Bit Locations
15 11 10 9 8
R-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0
LEGEND: R/W = Read/Write; R = Read only; -n = value after reset
Table 1-34. IFR1 and IER1 Bit Descriptions
Bit Field Value Description
15-11 Reserved 0 Reserved. This bit should always be written with 0.
10 RTOS 1-0 Real-Time operating system interrupt flag/mask bit.
9 DLOG 1-0 Data log interrupt flag/mask bit.
8 BERR 1-0 Bus error interrupt flag/mask bit.
7 I2C 1-0 I2C interrupt flag/mask bit.
6 EMIF 1-0 EMIF error interrupt flag/mask bit.
5 GPIO 1-0 GPIO aggregated interrupt flag/mask bit.
4 USB 1-0 USB interrupt flag/mask bit.
3 SPI 1-0 SPI interrupt flag/mask bit.
2 RTC 1-0 Wakeup or real-time clock interrupt flag/mask bit.
1 RCV3 1-0 I2S3 receive interrupt flag/mask bit.
0 XMT3 1-0 I2S3 transmit interrupt flag/mask bit.
1.6.2 Interrupt Timing
The interrupt signals on the external interrupts pins (INT0 and INT1) are detected with a synchronous
negative edge detector circuit. To reliably detect the external interrupts, the interrupt signal must have at
least 2 SYSCLK high followed by at least 2 SYSCLK low.
To define the minimum low pulse width in nanoseconds scale, you should take into account that the
on-chip PLL of the device is software programmable and that your application may be dynamically
changing the frequency of PLL. You should use the slowest frequency that will be used by your application
to calculate the minimum interrupt pulse duration in nanoseconds.
When the system master clock is disabled (SYSCLKDIS =1), the external interrupt pins (INT0 and INT1)
will be asynchronously latched and held low while the clocks are re-enabled. Once the clocks are
re-enabled, the DSP will latch the interrupt in the IFR.
SPRUFX5AOctober 2010Revised November 2010 System Control
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