Network Card User Manual

TNETE211 Register Descriptions
Table B–4. ThunderLAN PHY Status Register Bits (Continued)
Bit Name Function
3 TRFRTO Training frame time out: This bit indicates that the PMI is in training, the training frame
has not been received in 273 µs, and that another training frame should be sent. If the
INTEN bit is also set, this causes an MII interrupt.
2 RTRIDL Receive training idles:
This bit indicates that the the PMI is receiving training idles from
the repeater, indicating that the station should enter training. This bit is autoclearing,
and is latched until read. If the INTEN bit is also set, this causes an MII interrupt.
1 LRCV Long receive: This bit indicates that the PMI has detected a long receive (receive jab-
ber) condition from the PMA. This bit is autoclearing, and is latched until read. If the
INTEN bit is also set, this causes an MII interrupt.
LSIL Long silence: This bit indicates that the PMI has detected a long silence condition from
the PMA. This bit is autoclearing and is latched until read. If the INTEN bit is also set,
this causes an MII interrupt.