
User's Guide
SLVU418June 2011
TPS65735 System Evaluation Board
This users guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the TPS65735EVM-703 evaluation
module (EVM). The TPS65735EVM-703 is a fully assembled and tested platform for evaluating the
performance of the TPS65735 single-chip power management device. This document includes schematic
diagrams, a printed circuit board (PCB) layout, bill of materials, and test data. Throughout this document,
the abbreviations EVM, TPS65735EVM, and the term evaluation module are synonymous with the
TPS65735EVM-703 unless otherwise noted.
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Features ............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Applications ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 3
2 Electrical Performance Specifications .................................................................................... 3
3 Schematic .................................................................................................................... 4
4 Connector and Test Point Descriptions .................................................................................. 5
4.1 Headers and Switch ............................................................................................... 5
4.2 Jumpers ............................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Test Points .......................................................................................................... 6
5 Setup ......................................................................................................................... 6
6 TPS65735EVM Test Data ................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Operation Waveforms ............................................................................................. 7
6.2 Measured Data ................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Thermal Performance ............................................................................................ 14
7 EVM Assembly Drawings and Layout .................................................................................. 16
8 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 18
List of Figures
1 Schematic.................................................................................................................... 4
2 Boost Output Ripple : Vbat = 3.2 V and 1 mA Load on Boost ........................................................ 7
3 Startup : Vin = 5 V, 1 mA Load on Boost, and 15 mA Load on LDO ................................................ 8
4 Shutdown : Vin = 5 V, 1 mA Load on Boost, and 15 mA Load on LDO ............................................. 8
5 Startup : Vbat = 3.6 V, 1 mA Load on Boost, and 15 mA Load on LDO ............................................ 9
6 Shutdown : Vbat = 3.6 V, 1 mA Load on Boost, and 15 mA Load on LDO ......................................... 9
7 Switchnode : Vbat = 3.6 V, No Load, 0.5µs/div ....................................................................... 10
8 Switchnode : Vbat = 3.6 V, No Load, 10 µs/div ....................................................................... 10
9 Load Transient, Boost : Vbat = 3.6 V with 0 mA to 5 mA Transient, Constant 15 mA Load on LDO. CH3
Bstout CH4 IBOOST ...................................................................................................... 11
10 Load Transient, Boost : Vbat = 3.6 V with 5 mA to 0mA Transient, Constant 15 mA Load on LDO. CH3
Bstout CH4 IBOOST ...................................................................................................... 11
11 Load Transient, LDO : Vbat = 3.6 V with 0 mA to 30 mA Transient. CH3 VLDO, CH4 IVLDO................. 12
12 Load Transient, LDO : Vbat = 3.6 V with 30 mA to 0 mA Transient. CH3 VLDO, CH4 IVLDO................. 12
13 H-Bridge Operation : Ch. 1 - Function Generator Input to HBR1, Ch. 2 - LCRP output, Ch. 3 - Function
Generator Input to HBR2, Ch. 4 - LCRN output ...................................................................... 13
14 H-Bridge Operation : Ch. 1 - Function Generator Input to HBL1, Ch. 2 - LCLP output, Ch. 3 - Function
Generator Input to HBL2, Ch. 4 - LCLN output ....................................................................... 13
SLVU418June 2011 TPS65735 System Evaluation Board
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Summary of content (20 pages)