
Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
SLES140 Initial release
SLES140A Updated Section 2.8
SLES140B Added industrial temperature orderable and updated relevant specifications in Chapter 3
Updated Section 1.2
SLES140C Updated Section 2.11.16, Section 2.11.17
Updated MAX supply voltages for Industrial temperature in Recommended Operating Conditions
Added notes throughout Electrical Characteristics to indicate parameters specified by design or specified by
characterization only
Updated DNL Differential nonlinearity specification and INL Integral nonlinearity (page 80)
Updated t5 Output delay time, Industrial (page 81)
SLES140D Updated Section 2.8
SLES140E Added AEC–Q100 qualification
Changed all instances of 10–bit video decoder to 11–bit
Updated register descriptions at addresses 09h, 0Ah, 0Bh
Added registers at addresses 11h, 12h, 14h, 26h, 27h, 2Fh
Changes all instances of WSS to WSS/CGMS and VPS to VPS/Gemstar
Changed A18GND (pin 24) and A18VDD (pin 25) to NC
Added Section 3.4 Thermal Specification
Updated Figure 5-1 Example Application Circuit
SLES140F Section 2.6.1, Removed statement about internal pulldown on I2CA terminal
Modified thermal specification
Added maximum ESD ratings
Modified I
C address 03h register and description
Table 2-10, Added RAM version MSB and LSB registers (subaddresses: 71h, 82h)
Table 2-72, Added RAM version MSB register (subaddress: 71h)
Table 2-82, Added RAM version LSB register (subaddress: 82h)
Minor editorial changes
Figure 2-10, Changed figure and added note.
Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13, Changed figures.
Section 2.8, Changed description concerning initializing VBUS register 0xA00014.
Figure 5-1, Added note concerning ESD protection.
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