
Table 2-29. G/Y Gain (Contrast) Register
Subaddress 11h
Default 80h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
G/Y gain [7:0]
G/Y component gain (contrast):
0000 0000 = minimum
1000 0000 = default
1111 1111 = maximum
For component video outputs, the total luma gain relative to the nominal luma gain as a function of the G/Y gain[7:0] is as follows:
Luma gain = (nominal_luminance_gain) × (G/Y gain [7:0] / 128)
Table 2-30. B/Pb Gain (Color Saturation) Register
Subaddress 12h
Default 80h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B/Pb gain [7:0]
B/Pb component gain (color saturation):
0000 0000 = minimum
1000 0000 = default
1111 1111 = maximum
For component video, the total B/Pb gain relative to the nominal B/Pb gain as a function of the B/Pb gain [7:0] setting is as follows:
B/Pb Gain = (nominal_chrominance_gain) × (B/Pb gain [7:0] / 128)
Table 2-31. G/Y Offset Register
Subaddress 14h
Default 80h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
G/Y offset [7:0]
G/Y component offset (brightness):
0000 0000 = minimum
1000 0000 = default
1111 1111 = maximum
For component video, the output black level relative to the nominal black level (64 out of 1024) as a function of G/Y offset [7:0] is as
Black Level = nominal_black_level + (G/Y offset [7:0] 128)
48 Functional Description Copyright © 2005–2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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