- TEXAS MEMORY SYSTEMS RamSan-325/325c User's Manual

RamSan-325/325c User’s Manual - 113 -
Name temp-state-notif
Description The temperature state has changed
Includes Message
Temperature State:
-1 notImplemented This indicates there may be an SNMP reporting
0 noState N/A
1 error N/A
2 warn The temperature has dropped below acceptable
levels and should be moved to a warmer
3 good The temperature is within specification.
4 warnHigh The temperature level has risen above acceptable
bounds. Fans may need to be serviced or the
system may need to be moved into a cooler
5 errorHigh The temperature levels have risen dangerously
high. The system will be shutdown to prevent
damage to system components.
6 noDevice N/A
7 notMonitored Monitoring has been turned off to suppress