User Manual Part 1

IS-900 User Guide Page 20 of 159
1.6.2. SoniPods
The SoniPod is a discrete SoniDisc packaged in its own enclosure with mechanical and electrical
interfaces. SoniPods provide the most flexible Constellation configuration option for closed
spaces, cockpits, or spaces that do not offer simple mounting spaces for fixed frames or
SoniStrips. Each SoniPod is connected by “daisy chain” to the next with one cable from the IS-
900 processor. It is highly recommended that InterSense installation engineers are consulted for
configuration, installation and calibration of an IS-900 SoniPod Constellation array.
1.7. Tracking Station Description
For InterSense motion tracking systems, a “station” is the tracked object or device, which by
industry jargon may also be called a sensor or tracker. An IS-900 tracks all stations in a 6-DOF
mode, meaning each tracked device outputs X, Y, Z position information along with a pitch, yaw
and roll orientation information. In addition, the Wand Tracking Station output joystick and button
information for use with the immersive environment software. Figure 8 summarizes InterSense’s
IS-900 Tracking Stations.
Tracked Station Function
MicroTrax Wand w/ Joystick Tracking
Five button with center push button joystick
MicroTrax Head Tracking Station Stereo glasses and Head Mounted Display
(HMD) mounted
MicroTrax OEM Tracking Stations Specific to OEM application
Figure 8 - IS-900 Tracked Stations
Each tracked station sends inertia measurement unit (IMU) data (angular & acceleration rates)
with Ultrasonic Receiver Module (URM) acoustic range data for transmission to IS-900 base
processor via wired or wireless links.
InterSense provides the different types of tracked stations listed above for use in immersive
environments. All of these tracked stations use InterSense’s advanced inertial MicroTrax
technology combined with miniaturized digital acoustic position referencing components.
In addition to InterSense’s standard tracked stations, there are also new OEM devices being
delivered with some IS-900 systems that integrate the IS-900 technology into custom 3rd party
tracked stations. IS-900 systems shipped with 3rd party devices come with documentation
specific to these devices.
All of InterSense’s MicroTrax tracking devices can be configured with a wireless transmitter &
receiver for unencumbered tracking over larger areas.
The following sections summarize all of the options available from your local reseller or