User Manual Part 1

IS-900 User Guide Page 48 of 159
2. Plug the Base Receiver Modules into the IS-900 Processor.
Plug the cable coming from the Base Receiver Modules directly into one of the IS-900
Processor Ports (Ports 1 to 5 on the SimTracker processor or Ports 1 to 8 on the VETracker
processor) on the rear of the processor.
Turn on the wireless tracking devices by holding the power buttons for approximately 2 seconds.
On the wireless wand, the power button is the button farthest to the left (under the
On the wireless head tracker, the power button is the only button available on the
transmitter pack that connects to the tracker itself.
3. Turn on the IS-900 processor. When the system has finished booting, verify that each
receiver has a green power LED lit. (If there are no LEDs on any of the receivers, then they
are not receiving power and they will not be configurable. Check that the cable was inserted