User Manual Part 1

IS-900 User Guide Page 72 of 159
SoniStrip LED control ML[state]<>
If state is 0, the blue LEDs on the SoniStrips are disabled. Visual
confirmation of the operation of the ultrasonic system is important,
so don’t disable the LEDs unless they interfere with your
Default 1
Beacon Scheduler MSchAlg[n]<>
Selects beacon Scheduling Algorithm. If n is 1, a distance-based
algorithm is used. This algorithm chooses beacons based on
distance only. If n is 2 a directional algorithm is used which
chooses beacons based on orientation as well as distance.
Default 2
Error reporting Hardware and configuration errors are stored internally and can
be reported to the application. If the application is not setup to
accept error messages, or if you are not sure, error reporting
should be disabled. This setting is not saved with tracker
configuration, so error reporting is off every time tracker is turned
ME<> Returns all errors, one per error message.
MEC<> Clear all errors from internal list.
ME1<> Enable error reporting.
ME0<> Disable error reporting.
Default Error reporting is OFF
Command logging Command logging captures all host commands into a file
for debugging purposes. The log file holds a maximum of
500 kB. When the max size is reached, the file is rewound
and overwritten with new entries. Long series of P and MP
commands are abbreviated to save space. The command
logging state is also indicated on the LCD (see Section 9).
Command logging control is available on the LCD menu
under System ConfigàCommand Log: Enable Log,
Disable Log and Clear Log. It is accessed by the following
command set.
MLogOpen<> Enables logging. If settings are
saved, logging will remain on
through reset. An existing log file is
always appended to.
MLogClose<> Disables logging.
MLogClear<> Disables logging and deletes log file.
Use MLogOpen to resume logging.