User Manual Part 1

IS-900 User Guide Page 74 of 159
Mode 2 is recommended for use with HMD or other
immersive applications. The drift correction adjustments
are made smoothly and only while the sensor is moving, so
as to be transparent to the user.
Default 2
Compass Heading Correction
MH{stationNum, mode}<>
Turns on the stationNum’s compass heading correction. To
operate effectively, the magnetic field in the environment
needs to be homogeneous. Only valid when an
InertiaCube is being used as a station (i.e. not valid for
MicroTrax devices).
For an InertiaCube, the modes are defined:
Mode 0 - Compass is OFF, no heading compensation is
applied. Not recommended, Modes 1 or 2 are preferred.
Mode 1 - Partial compass mode. Magnetometer readings
are used to reduce drift and maintain stability, but not as an
absolute measurement system. In this mode, system is
much less susceptible to magnetic interference, but heading
drift will slowly accumulate. This mode is particularly useful
when high rotational sensitivity settings are used.
Mode 2 - FULL compass mode. Readings produced by the
magnetometers inside the InertiaCube are used as the
absolute reference orientation for yaw.
Default 2
Turns off the stationNum’s compass heading correction.
There can be slow drift in the yaw direction. Only valid
when an InertiaCube is being used as a station (i.e. not
valid for MicroTrax devices).
Rotational Sensitivity Level
MQ{stationNum},[Sensitivity Level]<>
Adjusts rotational sensitivity of a station when the
Perceptual Enhancement Level is set to level 2. Sensitivity
Level is an integer 1 to 4 where 1 is the lowest and 4 is the
highest sensitivity. It is recommended that sensitivity be
set to 4 when enhancement is set to level 1. If optional
parameter is omitted, current value is returned.
Default 3