User Manual Part 2

IS-900 User Guide Page 122 of 159
3. Call or email InterSense to obtain the Server IP
4. Make sure that protocol selection is set to TCP and
port to 5001. If this port is not available, other numbers
can be used, provided that InterSense engineer is
5. Enter IP Address and click on Connect button.
6. Watch the message area of the window for status
7. If connection is lost prematurely, try to reconnect.
For unattended operation or if link is intermittent, please make
sure that Reconnect Automatically option is selected.
It is desirable to have the InterSense technician on the phone
during the diagnostics session, as he or she might have
questions about the physical configuration and position of the
tracker. If this is not convenient, a simple chat client is build
into the program. It allows one-line messages to be sent to
and from the remote host. Messages are displayed in the text
window. To send a message, open Send Message control in
the Commands menu.