User Manual Part 2

IS-900 User Guide Page 137 of 159
14.8. RF Scope
RF Scope is a tool that uses an InterSense RF analyzer accessory to scan the 2.4 GHz
frequency range and display detected signal strength. This is useful to characterize your RF
environment , determine if sources of interference exist and identify channels to use with your
wireless MicroTrax devices to best avoid those sources of interference.
The center frequencies InterSense uses for the 16 available channels range from 2405-2480
MHz in 5 MHz increments as shown in Figure 41. There is a 9 MHz overall spread in each
channel, causing frequency overlap, which is the primary reason why it is recommended that
adjacent channels are not used, if possible.
The frequency spread for each channel results in an overall frequency range from 2400-2483
MHz. Since the radio hardware is limited to 2405-2480 MHz, only half of the range can be
scanned for channels 0 and 15.
ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 ch9 ch10 ch11 ch12 ch13 ch14 ch15
frequency (GHz)
Figure 41 - Frequency Range for Each of the 16 Channels
To use RF Scope you must have an InterSense RF analyzer accessory (or an InertiaCube
wireless receiver) connected to your Windows PC. The InterSense interface DLL, isense.dll,
version 3.90 or later, must also be properly installed in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory of
your Windows PC.
Launch RF Scope from the ISDEMO start-up screen by selecting Wireless?RF Scope from the
menu bar. The RF Scope display will appear and connect to the RF analyzer. If RF Scope fails to
connect, please check the connection to the RF analyzer and verify that the correct version of
isense.dll is installed.
To start and stop the display, select the respective option from the Display menu. The display
represents the detected signal strength in two different charts.