User's Manual

Table Of Contents
InterSense Doc. No. 072-00105-0I07 Rev. 4.2
IS-900 User Guide Page 101 of 177
8. Appendix C – Health & Safety Warnings with Tracker
Use Guidelines
Most of the side effects described in this section usually only occur when a tracking device, like
an IS-900, is used with personal displays or 3D glasses. The symptoms listed below usually
are referred to as “Simulator Sickness”.
Read and follow the user instructions.
Before using the IS-900, read and follow the user instructions. Also fully read
any 3
party software or HMD instructions. In exceptional circumstances,
failure to read and follow the user instructions could result in possible side
For use only by persons 15 years of age or older. This system should not be
used by:
Persons under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Pregnant women.
Persons suffering from a heart condition
Take frequent breaks.
It is recommended that the IS-900 should not be used for more than one hour
at a time in visually immersive applications. After an hour, you should take a
15-minute rest break before re-use regardless of how you feel. If you feel
Rest after using.
Rest for at least 15 minutes after using the IS-900 even if you feel fine and
have experienced none of the symptoms described below. If you have
experienced any undesirable effects or symptoms, rest until they are
completely gone. Do not walk, drive, ride a bike or operate equipment until you
Epilepsy and seizures.
A very small part of the population has a condition that may result in epileptic
seizures or loss of consciousness. If you or anyone in your family has epilepsy
or has experienced seizures or loss of consciousness, do not use the IS-900
without first consulting your physician. Persons who have not experienced
seizures or loss of consciousness may still have an epileptic condition. We