User's Manual

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InterSense Doc. No. 072-00105-0I07 Rev. 4.2
IS-900 User Guide Page 142 of 177
10.8. RF Scope
RFScope usage
In order to set channels optimally, it is recommended that the RFScope utility be used to check
for wireless interference from sources such as wireless LANs and other portable devices
operating in the 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz bands supported by the IS-900 receivers. Setting trackers
to channels with significant wireless interference on them can result in poor performance, or in
extreme cases, the devices being unable to change channels back to a clear channel without
isolating both the receiver and transmitter in a shielded location. The following simple steps are
recommended each time that the IS-900 is set up in a new environment, or if the RF environment
is changed in any way, such as adding a wireless access point to the tracking area. Firmware
version 4.2601 or later is required to use this feature, along with ISDEMO 4.2703 or later (for 900
MHz support).
In order to use RFScope, you must use the RS232 connection to the IS-900, though the initial
Port Access command may be sent over Ethernet. Follow these steps:
1. Note which stations have wireless receivers connected to them (either by physically
looking at the IS-900 or as reported by the Wireless Configuration dialog in ISDEMO)
2. Select Tools > Send Command String from ISDEMO
3. Send the command MPortAccessx, where ‘x’ is the port number of the receiver you
would like to use. For most installations, it doesn’t matter which receiver is selected, but
in some cases the receivers may be arranged such that they are in different areas of the
room or even in separate rooms, in which case the RF environments may be significantly
different and testing multiple receivers may be helpful. This command is case sensitive.
4. The front LCD panel of the IS-900 should display a message indicating that it is in Port
Access Mode, and that the Enter key may be pressed to exit. Other than rebooting, the
Enter key is the only way to exit this mode. The red LED corresponding to the receiver’s
port should illuminate as well.
5. Close ISDEMO
6. Reopen ISDEMO, and select Wireless > RFScope from the main selection screen (do
not select “IS-900”.
7. Check for wireless interference as described below.
8. Once testing is complete, press “Enter” on the front panel and either reconnect with
ISDEMO and choose File > Load Power Up Settings, or simply restart the processor
using the switch on front. Your trackers will not function until the IS-900 has been
restarted by one of these two methods.