User's Manual

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InterSense Doc. No. 072-00105-0I07 Rev. 4.2
IS-900 User Guide Page 152 of 177
pointer will be populated with handles for all detected trackers when
this function returns.
infoScreen This feature has not been implemented. Its purpose is to display an
information window to show the tracker detection progress and
results. Currently DLL writes only to Windows console. Most
applications should pass FALSE.
verbose Pass TRUE if you would like a more detailed report of the DLL activity.
Messages are printed to Windows console.
ISD_CloseTracker( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle )
This function call de-initializes the tracker, closes the communications port and
frees the resources associated with this tracker. If 0 is passed, all currently open
trackers are closed. When the last tracker is closed, the program frees the DLL.
FALSE if failed for any reason.
handle Handle to the tracking device. This is a handle returned by
ISD_OpenTracker() or ISD_OpenAllTrackers().
ISD_GetTrackerConfig( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
Bool verbose )
Get general tracker information, such as type, model, port, etc. Also retrieves
Genlock synchronization configuration, if available. See the
ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE structure definition for a complete list of items.
Handle to the tracking device. This is a handle returned by
ISD_OpenTracker() or ISD_OpenAllTrackers().
Tracker Pointer to a structure of type ISD_TRACKER_INFO_TYPE. The
structure definition is given below.
ISD_SetTrackerConfig( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
Bool verbose )