User's Manual

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InterSense Doc. No. 072-00105-0I07 Rev. 4.2
IS-900 User Guide Page 157 of 177
ISD_ResetHeading( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID )
Reset heading (yaw) to zero.
handle Handle to the tracking device. This is a handle returned by
ISD_OpenTracker() or ISD_OpenAllTrackers().
Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
ISD_BoresightReferenced( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID,
float yaw,
float pitch,
float roll )
Boresight station using specific reference angles. This is useful when you need to
apply a specific offset to system output. For example, if a sensor is mounted at 40
degrees relative to the HMD, you can enter 0, 40, 0 to get the system to output (0,
0, 0) for yaw, pitch, and roll, when the HMD is horizontal.
Handle to the tracking device. This is a handle returned by
ISD_OpenTracker() or ISD_OpenAllTrackers().
Number from 1 to ISD_MAX_STATIONS.
yaw, pitch, roll
Boresight reference angles.
ISD_Boresight ( ISD_TRACKER_HANDLE handle,
WORD stationID,
Bool set )
Boresight, or unboresight a station. If 'set' is TRUE, all angles are reset to zero.
Otherwise, all boresight settings are cleared, including those set by
ISD_ResetHeading() and ISD_BoresightReferenced().
Note that the angles are reset relative to the current yaw; if the station is at 90
degrees yaw and 0 degrees pitch/roll when this function is called, rolling the
sensor (relative to its current heading) will be considered pitch, and pitch (relative
to its current heading) will be considered roll; it does not perform a boresight
'relative' to the current orientation vector.
handle Handle to the tracking device. This is a handle returned by
ISD_OpenTracker() or ISD_OpenAllTrackers().