User's Manual

Wireless InertiaCube3 Supplemental Manual 15
Doc. No. 072-00096-0E05
Once the search is complete, following window displays all Wireless InertiaCube3 devices found
in the area. The display will also summarize the device, port, channel, and InertiaCube ID
Two Wireless InertiaCube3 Receivers and three Wireless InertiaCube3s
Ports with receivers attached are shown as blue boxes. Links associated with a port are shown as
boxes to the right of the port and are each connected with line to the port (normally colored
green). Links that are not associated with a port (orange) must be assigned to a port before they
can be used. Empty links (gray) have no associated station. Links for InertiaCube3s that are not
operational are shown in red. Links that are not ready (cyan) cannot be used until after a reset.
For the example shown in the deviceTool window above, the search resulted in finding two
Wireless InertiaCube3 Receivers and three Wireless InertiaCube3s. One Wireless InertiaCube3
(ID # 29404) is connected to a receiver on COM port 5 of the Windows PC via wireless channel
0. The second Wireless InertiaCube3 Receiver is connected on COM port 6 of the Windows PC
and is set to wireless channel 1 with no IneriaCube3s connected. The two additional Wireless
InertiaCube3s (ID #s 12712 & 42303) are set to wireless channel 8.