Full Product Manual

Table Of Contents
Litokol products with Zherorisk
come with EMICODE EC1 PLUS certication
and labelling, for “products with a very low
volatile organic compound emission rate” in
compliance with the guidelines issued by GEV
(association for the control of building material
emissions), with much lower values than the
limit values.
Émission dans l’air intérieur
“Émission dans l’air intérieur” is the mandatory
labelling of building products or wall and
oor covering products used in buildings, in
accordance with the French regulation on the
characteristics of volatile pollution emissions
(VOC) for the product. The product emission
level is indicated by a class ranging from A+
(very low emissions) to C (high emissions),
according to the same principle used for
electrical appliances.
Zero risk in transportation
Product not subject to restrictions
for road, sea, air and rail transport
No ADR restrictions for road transport
No IMO containers for transport by sea
Zero risk for the environment
Renewable primary materials
Recycled materials
Lower energy consumption
Lower CO
Reduced consumption of basic materials
Zero risk for the user
Given that most VOC emission
occurs during application, the use
of products with ultra-low VOC emission
increases the safety of professional users;
the lack of pungent and unpleasant odours
makes the workplace much more comfortable.
Non corrosive
Non toxic
Non-hazardous to the environment
Zero risk for homes
Very low VOC emissions:
safeguarding the quality of air in homes and
the health of those who live there.