Installation Sheet

Page. 12
NOTE: It is normal for slight yellow tipping of the flames
to appear after a few minutes of operation using Propane
(LP) Gas. Orange-colored streaks in the flame are
produced from burning airborne debris; this is normal
during initial start up and should dissipate within a few
minutes of operation.
2. Turn valve to SIM to see that the flame continues to
wrap around the burner. Blow out the flame, or use a
quick fan motion from a writing tablet or piece of
cardboard to extinguish the flame, and then observe
the burner’s ability to reignite and wrap around (also
called carry-over”) the burner within several seconds.
This flame “carry-over” is essential for proper burner
ignition and re-ignition.
3. Test re-ignition of the XLO and observe the carry-over
of the small simmer flames as the XLO system cycles
the burners on and off.
If the flame performance is not acceptable it may
be necessary to readjust the valve screw for a top
burner that does not have sufficient carry-over of
the flame. Turn the valve screw very slightly
counter-clockwise until carry-over of the flame is
acceptable. (See Setting Valve Screws for the
If the burner flame is uneven, flutters, makes
excessive noise, or lifts, some of the slots in the
burner base may be blocked with food spillage or
other debris. Clogged slots can be cleared using a
straightened paper clip, needle, or similar object.
Hard-to-remove, encrusted food or debris can
sometimes be removed using a steel wool pad or
fine wire brush.
4. Burner flames that are “lazy”, with excessively-long
flames, can be created by an incorrectly fitted burner
cap—from which many of the outer mantles of the
individual flames will tend to “coalesce” or blend
Verify that the burner cap is seated properly on its
burner base. The cap should fit reasonably flat when
correctly-positioned on the base and not rock
5. Repeat the Ignition and Flame Test procedures for
each burner.
Conversion Label Placement
1. For proper identification and evidence of the
appliance’s conversion for high-altitude operation,
affix the provided Conversion Label in a location next
to the Rating Labels on the appliance.
2. After placing the Conversion Label, use a permanent
marker to fill-in the date, name, and address of your
service organization on the Conversion Label.
Yellow Flames:
Further adjustment is
Yellow Tips on Outer Cones:
Normal for LP Gas
Soft Blue Flames:
Normal for Natural Gas
Correct burner cap Incorrect burner cap