Use and Care Guide

Table Of Contents
Cool-fresh compartment en-us
¡ Observe the best-before date or expiration date speci-
fied by the manufacturer.
¡ Store food well wrapped or covered.
¡ Allow hot food and drinks to cool down first before plac-
ing in the appliance.
11.2 Chill zones in the refrigerator
The air circulation in the refrigerator compartment creates
different chill zones.
Coldest zone
The coldest zone is in the pull-out container.
Tip:Store highly perishable food such as fish, sausages
and meat in the cool-fresh compartment.
"Cool-fresh compartment", Page19
Warmest zone
The warmest zone is at the very top of the door.
Tip:Store groceries that do not spoil easily in the warmest
zone, e.g. hard cheese and butter. Cheese can then con-
tinue to release its flavor and the butter will still be easy to
Cool-fresh compartment
12 Cool-fresh compartment
Cool-fresh compartment
In the cool-fresh compartment, you can keep fresh food
fresh three times longer than in the refrigerator compart-
The temperature can be set from 29°F (−2°C) to 40°F
(4°C) using pre-defined storage settings.
Storing food in the fresh compartment retains the quality of
the food better. The low temperature and the optimum
moisture provide ideal storage conditions for fresh food.
12.1 Storage recommendations for the
cool-fresh compartment
You can find out here which cool-fresh compartment stor-
age setting you can use.
Storage set-
Meat, fish and seafood
Fruit, mixed load with fruit and vegeta-
bles, sausage, cheese and dairy prod-
Snacks and other items
Tip:Fruit, vegetables, drinks and snacks may freeze be-
low 32°F (0°C).
Only use the storage setting for meat and fish.
12.2 Storage times in the cool-fresh
compartment at 32°F (0°C)
The storage times are dependent on the original quality of
your food.
Food Storage time
Fresh fish, seafood up to 3days
Food Storage time
Poultry, meat (boiled/fried) up to 5 days
Beef, pork, lamb, sausage (cold meat) up to 7 days
Smoked fish, broccoli up to 14 days
Salad greens, fennel, apricots, plums up to 21 days
Soft cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, cauli-
up to 30 days
Freezer compartment
13 Freezer compartment
Freezer compartment
You can store frozen food, freeze food and make ice
cubes in the freezer compartment.
The temperature can be set from 6°F (−14°C) to −7°F
Long-term storage of food should be at 0°F (−18°C) or
The freezer compartment can be used to store perishable
food long-term. The low temperatures slow down or stop
the spoilage.
13.1 Tips for storing food in the
freezer compartment
¡ To quickly and gently freeze larger quantities of fresh
food, place this in the top frozen food container.
¡ Do not bring food which is to be frozen into contact with
frozen food.
13.2 Tips for freezing fresh food
¡ Freeze fresh and undamaged food only.
¡ Freeze food in portions.
¡ Cooked food is more suitable than food that can be
eaten raw.
¡ Vegetables: Wash, chop up and blanch before freezing.
¡ Fruit: Wash, pit and perhaps peel, possibly add sugar or
ascorbic acid solution.
¡ Food that is suitable for freezing includes baked items,
fish and seafood, meat, game, poultry, eggs without
shells, cheese, butter and curd cheese, prepared meals
and leftovers.
¡ Food that is unsuitable for freezing includes lettuce,
radishes, eggs in shells, grapes, raw apples and pears,
yogurt, sour cream, crème fraîche and mayonnaise.
Packing frozen food
If you select suitable packaging material and the correct
type of packaging, you can determine the product quality
and prevent freezer burn.
1. Place the food in the packaging.
2. Squeeze out the air.
3. Pack food airtight to prevent it from losing flavor or dry-
ing out.
4. Label the packaging with the contents and the date of
13.3 Shelf life of frozen food at 0°F
Food Storage time
Fish, sausages, prepared meals
and baked goods
up to 6months