Use and Care Guide

Table Of Contents
en-us Water system
Food Storage time
Meat, poultry up to 8months
Vegetables, fruit up to 12 months
13.4 Defrosting methods for frozen
Risk of harm to health!
During the thawing process, bacteria may multiply and
spoil the frozen food.
Do not refreeze partly or completely thawed food.
Refreeze food only after cooking.
The frozen items should no longer be stored for the
maximum storage period.
¡ Defrost animal-based food, such as fish, meat, cheese,
quark, in the refrigerator compartment.
¡ Defrost bread at room temperature.
¡ Prepare food for immediate consumption in the mi-
crowave, in the oven or on the cooktop.
Water system
14 Water system
Water system
Your appliance is equipped with water-carrying compo-
The water system only works if a water filter or a bypass
cap is installed.
14.1 Water filter
The water filter filters particles and the taste of chlorine out
of the water.
The water filter reduces further contamination, e. g. from
chloramines, lead and pharmaceutical products.
Note:The water filter does not filter bacteria or microbes
out of the water.
Change the water filter:
¡ every 6months.
¡ if lights up.
¡ if the water output has visibly reduced.
¡ A new water filter can be purchased from customer ser-
vice, your dealer or our website.
¡ If you do not want to use a water filter in your appliance
or an external water filter system is installed, you can
permanently replace the water filter with a bypass cap.
The bypass cap filters only large particles out of the wa-
ter and can be cleaned as required.
A bypass cap can be purchased from customer service
or our website.
Changing the water filter or replacing it with a bypass
1. Reach into the recess below the filter cover, pull it for-
wards slightly and move it to the bottom left ⁠.
2. Turn the water filter counterclockwise by 90° and re-
move it ⁠.
Note:When removing it, a small amount of water may
drip out of the water filter. Remove the drips of water
with a dry cloth.
Tip:You can dispose of the old water filter with your
household garbage.
3. Insert the new water filter or the bypass cap in the filter
opening as far as it will go and turn it 90° clockwise to
the stop.
4. Move the filter cover up to the right and slide back as far
as it will go.
5. Discard the ice cubes produced during the first
24hours, and dispense water for 5minutes and dis-
14.2 Water dispenser
Dispense cold water via the water dispenser.
Putting the water dispenser into operation
Once the appliance has been connected or a new water
filter has been installed, there will be air in the water sys-