User's Manual

-Touch Terminal Manuale d’uso
- 11 -
If you install anything on the ORDERMAN Touch Terminal you have to
copy/install it to the Flashdisk or the Harddisk and run the Installation
Backup. Otherwise it is not guaranteed that the installed program
works correct. (see 4 Saving files and settings (registry) for details).
5.3 Use the Registry Editor
Launch the Registry Editor out of the “Programs” section of the “Start Menu” or the “Re-
gEditSave” shortcut in the “My Computer” section.
After changing the registry settings you have to save the changes to the flashdisk.
This can be done by tapping “Registry Backup” in the “Programs” section of the “Start Menu”.
5.4 Install a Compact Flash Card
The CompactFlash Card slot on the ORDERMAN
Touch Terminal is NOT “Hot Plug&Play”.
This means you have to disconnect power before inserting a CF card.
5.5 Install a program
Copy the files to the ORDERMAN
Touch Terminal by using e.g. an ActiveSync connection.
You can also copy it to a CompactFlash card (option).
Install the files to Flashdisk or Harddisk.
After the installation has completed you have to ini-
tiate a backup copy of files copied to the windows
directory and save registry settings.
Tap Start => Programs => Installation Backup.
(see “4 Saving files and settings (registry)
”for details)
5.6 Remove a program
Select the program you want to uninstall in the list by
tapping on it.
Tap the “Remove” button in the dialog.
Select the Remove Programs button in the Control Panel. (How to enter
the Control Panel see 3.7 The Control Panel
Only programs which were installed with an installation routine (*.cab
files) are listed up here.