Setup Guide

Table Of Contents
A Quick RFID Introduction
A Quick RFID Introduction
Class 1 Generation 2 (Gen2)
The RFID tags included in your reader kit conform to the UHF Class 1, Generation 2 (“Gen2”)
standard maintained by EPCglobal ( EPCglobal is a division of
UPC - the same standards organization that controls the barcode numbering system used on
retail packaging. This standard (with minor changes) is also maintained by ISO under ISO-
Most Gen2 tags are passive RFID devices. That is, they do not require a battery and derive their
power for operation from the RF field sent out by the reader. This allows them to be small,
inexpensive, and operate virtually indefinitely.
Most Gen2 tags are also programmable devices. Users can put their own information into the
tags. The amount of data that can be stored depends on the type of tag but hundreds of bits
are typical. Data in the tag is organized into banks of memory that serve different functions
under the protocol:
Bank 0: Reserved Memory: Kill and Access pass-codes
Bank 1: EPC Memory: The unique tag identifier, typically 128 bits, and user-
programmable. The Gen2 protocol is designed to extract this information quickly.
Bank 2: TID Memory: A factory-programmed area that includes a serial number and
fields that describe the tag's capabilities.
Bank 3: User Memory: A programmable extended memory area for holding additional
information that is not the EPC. Not all tags support User Memory.
Gen2 tag memory can be locked, such that it cannot be changed without a pass-code. These
locks can be reversible or permanent (permalocked).
Bank 0 is a special case for locking. Locking the other banks prevents them from being
changed. If Bank 0 is reversibly locked it cannot be read without a pass-code. If it is
permalocked it can never be read again. This secures the Kill and Access pass-codes from
unauthorized users.
Finally, Gen2 tags can be rendered non-functional with a “Kill” command. Tags that are killed
become nonfunctional and cannot be recovered.