Setup Guide

Table Of Contents
"P" – PROTOCOL control (Gen2 Air protocol)
"P" – PROTOCOL control (Gen2 Air protocol)
<TARI> = 0..2
<MODE> = 0..3
<LF> = 0..4
The reader supports a number of different data rates and modulation modes for
communicating with Gen2 RFID tags. This functionality is controlled by the P command.
Read performance is closely tied to how the various modulation, tag signaling and data rate
parameters interact in a particular use case. Changes away from recommended settings should
be done only after sufficient testing demonstrates an improvement. The best settings are often
a compromise between read speed and read reliability. In some cases it may be beneficial to
change this setting to improve performance in multi-reader environments.
Each of the <TARI>, <MODE>, and <LF> parameters can take on a simple integer value,
corresponding to one of the available settings for that parameter, as outlined in the following
Available Parameters
Value TARI Modulation Mode
Link Frequency
6.25 uSec FM0 40KHz
12.5 uSec M2 160 kHz
25 uSec M4 256 kHz
- M8 320 kHz
- - 640 kHz
Recommended Settings
The default Protocol Control values from start up or a (PR – reset) command correspond to a
setting of “231”, or a 25uSec TARI, M8, and a 160kHz LF. This is close to the DRM (Dense Reader
Mode) requirement defined be EPCglobal, and works well in most situations.
Normal Operation : P222
Dense Reader Environment: P231
High Speed Reads of Small Numbers of Tags: P112