Operation Manual Part 1

Digital Liquid Cooled UHF
TV Equipment
Detailed operational description
9946 V1
45321648.01 104 A E
21 / 131
Numéro / Number Doc. Rev. Lan
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2.3.3. Polling of operator commands
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) receives the operator commands sent from the Local Control
Panel (PCL) or a remote user interface. These commands are taken into account by the following
PCL windows and indicator lamp control system,
Command control system.
2.3.4. Command control sytem
This processing unit continuously polls the transmitted signal parameter characteristics and the status
condition data from the main transmitter units as follows:
RF amplifiers,
Amplifier power supplies,
Multiplex card.
In addition, sensors or probes detect and transmit data on the following:
liquid parameter values and associated cooling system,
Mains input supply system,
RF output signal (forward wave and return wave).
Every new event is detected and associated data are sent to the following systems:
processing of faults,
display control system,
Log book control system.
Delays and time lags in equipment
The back-up functions are totally hardware based; the CPU board stores data according to the type of
event and provides a fault display system.
(1) (1) (1)
CPU ignores faults
No fault
Faulty parameter
Fault appears
Fault confirmed by
CPU for storage
and display
(1) : Parameter polling period (approx. 300 ms)
: Parameter polling by CPU
The CPU confirms a parameter fault in the transmitter (not in the exciter) after it has been detected
during three successive polling periods.
Three to four seconds after its appearance a fault will be displayed and stored in the logbook.