
Thor Kitchen Gas Rangetops
Possible Cause
Burner flame goes out at
low setting.
Low gas pressure.
Air intake holes around
burners are obstructed.
Contact gas company.
Remove obstruction from air intake
The flames have suddenly
gone out.
A draft or spill has
extinguished the flame.
Turn the burners off, cleaning the
And sump area.
Once clean reignite top burners.
No ignition spark
Dead batteries or ignition
module failed.
Replace batteries and attempt
ignition. If
There is still no spark ignition, the
range top burners can still be used.
To light them:
1.) Holding a lit match to the flame
spreader, push in on the control
knob and turn counter clockwise to
2.) When the flame is burning all
the way around the burner, you
may adjust the heat.
“Cracking” or “popping”
sound is heard coming
from rangetop
This is the sound of metal
heating and cooling.
This is normal.