User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 3: Operation
98-148232-B To access the terminal from a remote location 24
ATCO: Send AT commands to the EXPLORER 540
The text in the ATCO SMS must have the following format:
ATCO <resp_mode> <rsms_pwd> <at_cmd>
Example: To command the EXPLORER 540 to download new software from the default FTP
server via the default APN and upgrade to the new version immediately, send an
SMS with the text:
ATCO 2 remote _IGETFW=1
You receive a response with the result of the action. In this example we have chosen to see
only the final response (<resp_mode> = 2) and we have chosen immediate upgrade
(<mode> =1), so the final (and only) response will be related to the upgrade of the
Example: For a successful completion of the command in the above example, the response
would then be: _IUPDFW: 0, Complete
See also ATCO response codes on page 102.
List of supported ATCO commands:
The following AT commands are supported using the ATCO command in an SMS. For syntax
and parameters, see ATCO commands on page 100.
_IGETFW Get new firmware (and optionally install it)
See Remote software upgrade on page 33
_IUPDFW Update the terminal with new firmware
See Remote software upgrade on page 33
_ISENDFILE Send a file from the terminal to an FTP server
See File transfer on page 34
_IGETFILE Retrieve a file from an FTP server to the terminal
See File transfer on page 34
_IUPDCFG Update to a new configuration file
See File transfer on page 34
_IREMWEB Open a connection for remote access to the terminal’s Web interface
See Remote access to the web interface on page 25
_ICPWD Change the terminal’s admin password
See Security setup on page 27
_IATCROBST Configure 3GGP LTE robustness feature
Remote access with AT commands
Access the terminal as described in To access the terminal using AT commands on page 19.
You must use the external IP address of the EXPLORER 540.