User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 4: Configuration with web interface
98-148232-B Advanced settings 62
Advanced settings
The EXPLORER 540 web interface is password protected at two levels: A user password and an
administrator password. You will always be prompted for a password when you access the web
Default settings are:
User: User name: user, Password: <serial number of the EXPLORER 540>
Administrator: User name: administrator, Password: admin
You can change the passwords if you are logged in as administrator, see the next sections.
To log in as administrator
Access to the Advanced settings requires an administrator password. If you are already logged
in as user and you want to access the Advanced settings, do as follows:
1. From the Control panel
, select Advanced.
If you are not logged in as administrator you are now prompted to log in.
2. Enter the administrator password.
If you have forgotten the administrator password, you can reset the password. For details,
see To reset the administrator password on page 61. The old user name and password will
apply until you have finished the reset procedure.
3. Click Login.
To change the user password
To change the user password, do as follows:
1. Log in as administrator
2. Under Advanced, select Change user password.
3. Type in the Old password.
4. Type in the New password and retype it on the next line.
5. Click Save.
At the next login the new password is required.
To change the administrator password
To change the administrator password, do as follows:
1. Log in as administrator
2. Under Advanced, select Change admin password.